sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2020

Interview with Fish ‘n Creepers - September 2020

Hi, who are Fish ‘n Creepers and what instruments do you play?

Hell’o my friend! we are Fish’n Creepers from Brasil, creatures from the deep seafrom a Lovecraft horror tale, looking for beer and pubs to play our terrifying andcreep shit music heheh

Allan Taylor (UndeadTaylor) - Lead singer and vocals

Anderson Rosa (Veio) - Guittar and backing vocals

Jeferson (Jef) - Double Bass

What is the musical genre of the group?

We play Psychobilly, we try to make our songs like the bands that played at clubfoot on the 80s, we put some of our personal influences at some songs but tryingnot to escape of what psychobilly supposed to be

Why Fish ‘n Creepers as a name?

Back on 3 years ago i (Allan Taylor) called Veio (Guitar) to play some psychobillyautoral, we doesn't has a name yet but we make a joke with the snack with similarname and added some lovecraft influence and became fishn creepers

Where are you from?

we are from Curitiba Brasil, one of the capitals of world wide psychobilly scene

When did you start playing like Fish ‘n Creepers?

at sept 2017

Do you have other parallel bands or do you play in other bands?

The Bass Player (Jef) has other bands but me and Veio focus only on Fish’nCreepers


Influences? (Musicals, literary, cinephiles, etc.)

Oh Thats a good question because de primer is booklet is extensive heheBut we listen classic psychobilly bands, like Demented Are Go, Batmobile, GuannaBats.We also Listen a lot of Bluegrass, Western country, folk, ska, punk and rockabillybands.we like to read and watch to horror tales, classic or trash movies and books

Do you have something recorded? Tell us what you have. Are you going to recordsomething soon?

We launched a single on internet called “Evil Dead (Dead by Dawn)” you can listenvia streaming on almost all music streaming plataformswe also launched a song called “Exploitation” you can find at BandCamp on the“Let it burn (Rockabilly against racism)” collection.We also are tying toraise money for our record and we hope to record as soon as possible


Let it Burn

What do your songs talk about?

Well, we talk about horror tales, it can be a real horror tale or fancifulbut we talk about problems of society and politics, running away a little bit from thepsychobilly apolitical scenario. For example, “Exploitation” is about AnimalExploitation, and we talk about this in a exploitation horror gender scenario.the lyrics portrays the the lyrics portray the suffering that millions of animals spendevery day in the hands of the agricultural industry and how it accelerates thedestruction of the environment, so we end up being politicians but do not escapethe scenario of horror and psychobilly.

With whom and where have you played? Upcoming events of Fish ‘n’ Creepes?

We play mostly in Brasil around our town, but we already played at “PsychoCarnival”, one of the main psychobilly festivals worldwide. we made a Argentinatour in 2019, played about 4 nights around Buenos Aires and one of then was “GoPsycho Fest”, one fo the main psychobilly festival on Argentina.We co-staged with Jayke Orvis, Mickey Classic and Freeborn Brothers and MulletMonster Mafia in Brasil and with our brothers from Argentina Jinetes Fantasmas,Ghost Bastards and Rancho Relaxo.

 Are there good bands in your environment?

Psychobilly and Underground Scene have LOT of good bands playing today, like isaid before the bands on argentina, we also have here in Brasil the Spit FireDemons, Mullet Monster Mafia, Voodoo Brothers, Time Bomb Girls, and fromCuritiba we have Sick Sick Sinners, Rabo de Galo...but the scene but the scene isalways renewed and several good bands emerge from the sewer and so theunderground scene and real rock’ n roll never dies

Thank you very much for trusting in Sesión de Plasma webzine, we can add whatyou want or what we have forgotten.

I thank you for the invitation friend, we are very happy for the interest in our band,follow us on social networks to know the news and stay psycho 



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