jueves, 9 de enero de 2020

Entrevista a The Southern Wolves - Enero 2020

Hi, who are you Southern Wolves and what instruments do you play?

Louie - guitar/vocals
Brandun - electric/stand up bass

Coco - drums

What is the musical genre of the group?

Garage punk/Psychobilly

Why Southern Wolves as a name?

Louie: el nombre viene de las instancias cual este punto cardinal me distingue. Siendo del sur de mi ciudad, de ciudad al lejo sur de Los Ángeles y de ser del sur de California. Lobos porque mis compañeros somos feroz y al igual leal. También en modo de pensar, mejor ser manada de lobos (independiente/libre) que rebaño de ovejas.

Where are you from?

Louie: Santa Ana
Brandun: Long Beach
Coco: Baldwin Park

When did you start playing like Southern Wolves?

Yo inicie la banda con brandun. Tocando cerca la playa de Huntington beach. Después componer suficientes temas buscamos bateristas. Coco es nuestro 3ero.

Do you have other parallel or tested bands from other bands?

Coco: zombillyz y volkanik rockers

Brandun: the Dead Ricardos


Brandun: meteors, Psychobilly old school. Rockabilly, garage and anything that's rocking
Louie: Django Reinhardt, gypsy music, garage punk, the Sonics, the meteors, the Stingrays, Mad Sin (pre 1992) Scary B.O.O.M, Psychobilly mostly 80s

Are they your favorite bands?

Everyone: Yes

Do you have something recorded?

Yes, 5 track demo on YouTube and Bandcamp First 5 songs I wrote.

Are you going to record something soon?

We are hoping for 2 new demos of garage and of Psychobilly
Depending on response we want to publish to vinyl and tour. Eventually a full album.

What do your songs talk about?

Louie: I mostly talk about real life feelings and fears. My problems that I live and how the rocknroll lifestyle is the and most intense way to party. 40% is about partying and moderate drug use. 30% about girls who betrayed me. The other 30% is about my real life fears/anxiety/problems and drug/alcohol dependence.
We're not about horror or b movies, or the cats/bats/rats dichotomy. Mostly real life and fun.

With whom and where have you played? Upcoming events of Southern Wolves?

Our biggest so far is opening for Batmobile. Twice we have played in Mexico once with Los Gatos zombies (Ecuador) then the following year with Radarmen (Los Angeles) for the event on Mexico City: Mexico psycho.We have also played with great local bands in the garage scene and to be honest promoters are not friendly so we remain outside the scene.

Are there good bands in your environment ? 

LA is very much the center for north Americans to enjoy Psychobilly and garage punk. Our friends are very loyal although WE ARE outsiders but with hard work we hope to gain a bigger following both here and everywhere rocknroll is alive.

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