sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2021

Second Interview with Randy Padron from Diabolic Events - November 2021

Hello, it has been some time since we did the first interview about Diabolic Events, more specifically since December 2019. Has there been any news lately?

Still doing shows and rolling hard

How have you been able to cope with holding Diabolic Events during the COVID-19 health crisis?

It’s been hard but I’ve done a livestream and actual shows

An event will be held shortly with the presence of The Fossils who, as far as we know, had not played for a long time.  How did you find out that The Fossils were back?

I saw they put up a recording

Presentación de The Fossils tras largo tiempo inactivos

What bands do you usually have more often and what others would you like to have for future events?

There’s so many bands I want to book and put on 1 lineup

Why aren't there usually DJs advertised at your events?

I’ve actually been getting DJs for my shows lately

Yo soy DJ

Do you have problems finding spaces to hold events?

Not at all

What would you say to the people who have participated in your events?

Thank you & much love for helping us go on for 7 years

Could you do something like Psychobilly Meeting in your area?

I don’t think so but it’s never impossible

Is there room for genres other than Psychobilly in your events?

Of course I’m trying to mix it up.

Has the Psychobilly scene grown in Southern California? (Question by Edgar Fernandez)

Honestly in comes in waves but it’s always cool seeing younger cats come to the shows.

And most importantly I thank my mom she helps me out at all my shows she’s
my number #1 supporter

viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2021

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2021

El Clamor del Bar, Citas y Modismos de Fernando Cavazos, primera parte

 He visto muchas publicaciones del festival PAL norte, ni una sola es de alguna mujer cantante, me imagino que sí hubo, por qué sigue siendo más notoria la participación masculina? No sé, solo quiero verlos pelear

Hay un instrumento que suena al
 agitarlo, se asocia mucho con la 
musica mexicana, face me censuroó el 
nombre de este instrumento
por parecerse a un insulto

Vino la sociedad protectora de 

animales a ponerme demanda por 

tener encerradas en condiciones 

inhumanas estas perras ganas que 

te traigo

No te sabes las tablas ahhhhh

pero te sabes todos los nombres de

los cocunes

Ellos tienen a Dave Chapelle 

nosotros al costeño

No seas tan clavado cristo

Quien caga más el palo,

Lars Frederiksen o Lars Ulrich?

The Lost Tape, *VHS Club*, Part 1: Charles Vane (VHS Maniac)

My hobby and collecting vhs began in the early 97's.Exactly this year, a relative of mine died and left behind a small number of cassettes from his former video library. I kept them as a memory of him. But later this memory became a hobby and a mania. I collect cassettes that have been released in our country and are therefore sounded in my language. I also collect international music cassettes of rockabilly and psychobilly performers. Contact him here

Bulgarian realase box outside

To return from where I kept my relative's tapes -from them, over the years, I bought cassettes at local other retro markets or online sites, and from 
the small amount they became large. Very few of my friends know about this hobby of mine. I haven't told almost anyone. Over the years, I was briefly an uploaded to vhs on a torrent site in our country. There I met other cassette collectors like me, with whom I keep in touch and we are friends. From there, about 4 people with me started uploading movies, which led to the revival of the video wave in our country. More and more people were joining and uploading movies or downloading. Some moved to other sites, others gave up for personal reasons and remained just collectors.

Two of them made their own websites as catalogs, archives for the films and their covers.With one of them I even recently made my own project for the first Bulgarian video t-shirt + poster and stickers. Which you will be able to see in the photos below. 

My favorite movies are horror and post-apocalypse movies. I love and animes too  -example- Vampire Hunter or Fist of the North Star.  

My first tape was on the movie Class of 1999 part 1 on pirate tape with 2 movie in cardboard box. I can't determine the best cartridge at the moment. I have many favorites I can give an example like .... slashers, gialos, gore movie to actions, adventures and etc.

First Bulgarian Porn movie

The rarest is not one - For example, I own the first Bulgarian and the last porn. I think it's pretty hard to find. Animes and 

post-apocalypses are also hard to find here too. I will tell some interesting facts about this porn movie. As I said it is the first Bulgarian porn.

It came out semi-legally. Participants were recruited in a local newspaper. Those years were poor in money. And a lot of people for a good fee have applied for participation and casting through the newspaper.

Part of the collection from Charles

The film was shot outdoors and many viewers spied and watched for free. What voyeurs? haha The role of a popular dwarf here also emerges from this film. He claimed that his penis was shortened in the movie... but these are other stories to return to the topic. 

I also want to show from my collection what the first Bulgarian videocassettes and editions produced entirely here look like. I also collect video players. 

I have the second video produced in Bulgaria however, it is not entirely Bulgarian production but I put it as part of this plant. 

Akai VS-23 EDI are manufactured under a Japanese patent as well as the model Tesla Avex VM-6465  I'm trying to find the first one called "Electron", I hope to find it one day and add it to my collection. 

Basically, this is my story and VHS mania. 

Charles first tape

sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2021

Fanzine Tensö Tenerife

Hola amigos, a finales del mes pasado estuvo Tensö, con Akelarre de Tenerife, en Barcelona tocando con Evil Spirit From Hell, Go to the Dogs y Revanche, de Barcelona con integrantes de Rusia, Chile, Alemania.

Pregunte al promotor si podia ir a poner un stand de venta o expo de CDs a precio de discogs.com, parches, más complementos como un cinturon de cuero para llevar hebilla talla 38/40, libros y camisetas.  

Una amiga de Barcelona me compró un libro del autor Danny Romero Mas titulado, La Primavera que no Fué. También vendi una camiseta a un amigo de Sta. Coloma que se acercó también al bolo y a los Tensö, después de hablar con su cantante que se interesó en mi Cargo. yo me acerque a un stand que montaron ellos y me intersó el fanzine que os comparto, ya que colecciono fanzines y se los cambie por una camiseta que llevaban aspecto de llevar toda la gira con la misma ropa y el promotor que los tuvo en su casa les tuvo que dar calcetines.

Tensö fue el punto fuerte de la noche, su punk es agresivo, explosivo, con una puesta en escena muy artistica, se formó un pogo increible y los chicos tocaron todos o parte de sus temas de los que tienen videoclip y podeis ver en el canal de Youtube de Humano Mono pincha para entrar. 

Pues como he dicho, les cambie el fanzine por una camiseta de la Harley del 66, como la canción de Los Rebeldes y en seguida me puse a leerlo en mi stand. Como vi que era para libre circulamiento pensé en compartirlo una vez escaneado, pero no he tenido mucho tiempo hasta ahora de hacerlo. 

Aqui lo teneis recien escaneado para su libre difusión. Pincha en las imagenes para verlas más grandes. 

Si alguna persona del grupo no quiere que esto se comparta que nos lo comunique y sera retirado del webzine de Sesión de Plasma automaticamente.